::Things You Never Know About Your Body::
::Things You Never Know About Your Body::
So do you really thinks that you all know about your body then think again cause today you all will get know about some of the bizarre and weirdest facts about your body YES BODY!!
So without wasting your precious time, Here are some of the facts about your Body
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Your Belly button is an Jungle
Recently it was discovered that your belly button is an bacterial Ecosystem, also there can be over 1400 bacteria species in your belly button, and don’t afraid there are good bacteria too in your belly button
Your body won’t let you poop when you sleeping.
It is because the neurons in your gut sleeps when you sleep and wake ups when you wake up.
As you grow older your feet will grow longer and wider.
Your lose Intelligence as you grow older.
It is because of the fact that each day we all lose almost 7000 brain cells.
Crying when you hurt is actually good for you.
It is believed that crying is not a good sing but actually it is, Scientist discovered that when you cry tears will flow which relieves you stress levels and also tears contain an pain killer component.
We all have an unique tongue print.
Just like the finger print we all have an tongue print which is unique in whole world, just in case it is better not to lick any substance when you are doing something wrong.
We all have an super pain killer in our body.
We all have an one huge accident (like broken bones,felling from stairs and many more) in our life and at that time we feel a little pain cause of this secret pain killer but it is only fro some time.
Back dimples is equal to good sex life.
Having a back dimple is an indicators of good sex life and its not just a myth it an fact, and it makes it easier to have an orgasm.
Your Liver is the only organ in your body which can regenerate itself.
Your Heart is not at your left side of your body it is in Middle of your body.